ATTENTION: Burnt Out Executives & Business Owners:
 ATTENTION: Overwhelmed CEOs, Entrepreneurs, & Executives

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder In Just 60 Minutes! 

Learn how to achieve success without sacrificing your personal life in just 60 minutes!

 Neuroscience Expert Reveals: How To Stop Destroying Your Personal Life By Tapping into Your Brain's Secret Productivity Zones... In 60 Minutes!

Get little-known strategies to boost productivity, reduce stress, and reclaim control over your schedule and sanity!

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Are You Ready To Get Started Doing This Amazing Thing?




Are You Ready To Get Started Doing This Amazing Thing?


How a debilitating illness and painful divorce made me more productive than ever...

Dear Ambitious Reader,

I was once a lot like you…

Working hard, always on the grind, and constantly chasing success.

But then, something terrible happened to me.

6 weeks before my TEDx talk, I was struck with a crippling case of vertigo.

It felt like someone had smashed my head with a baseball bat. 

The world spun uncontrollably. I couldn't even watch TV without feeling sick.

My career, my dreams, everything I worked for — were slipping away.

Have you ever felt like this? Like everything you’ve worked for is falling apart?


I refused to give up.

I held onto one thing: my bass. 

Even when I couldn't stand or walk, I played. Music became my lifeline, my therapy. 

Slowly, painfully, I began to recover. 

3 weeks later, I was walking again, defying the odds.

My doctors were shocked:

"You've lost 86% of the capability in your ear... we don't even know how you're hearing." 

I was diagnosed with a major disability, but I only saw it as a 'constraint.'

Around the same time, my personal life was in shambles. I was going through a devastating divorce. It felt like life was crushing me from all sides.

Perhaps you’ve felt this too – juggling personal and professional chaos, barely holding it together.

But I still didn’t give up. 

I remarried, bought a new home, and my business started generating $5 million per year.

What does this mean for you?

I found powerful ways to change my life. These strategies helped me focus on what really mattered, get control of my life, and rebuild my business.

And now, I want to share these strategies with you.

Does this sound like you?

Picture this:

It's your child's birthday, and instead of being fully present to celebrate with them, you're stuck on a conference call, trying to meet a deadline. 

The laughter and joy from the party echo through the walls, but you can't join in because you're tied to your desk, chained to your work.

And on another day:

It's your anniversary, a day meant for celebrating love and connection, but you're miles away from your partner, buried under a mountain of paperwork. 

You promised to take them out for a romantic dinner, but instead, you're sending them a last-minute apology text, promising to make it up to them next time.

But that's not all...

Every day feels like another spin on the hamster wheel.

You wake up early, stay up late, and barely find time for your family. 

From early mornings to late nights, you’re always on high alert, juggling tasks and responsibilities. 

Even on weekends, you can’t relax. 

Emails flood in, deadlines are always close, and the work never ends.

You thought your career was your ultimate dream, but now it's starting to feel like a nightmare.

You give it your all, sacrificing sleep, family time, and even your health. 

But no matter how hard you try, it never seems to be enough. 

It feels like you're stuck in quicksand, sinking deeper with every step.

The stress keeps you up at night, gives you headaches, and leaves you feeling exhausted. But there's no time to rest, no time to take care of yourself.

The guilt eats away at you, a constant reminder of what you're sacrificing for your career.

You can't trust anyone else to handle things, afraid of failure and losing control. 

But seriously, at what cost?

You’re smart, capable, and successful…

Yet the stress, the guilt, the fear of failure — it’s all-consuming. 

But what if there was a better way?

What if you could work less and achieve more? 

And how?

By unlocking new levels of efficiency and effectiveness that allow you to reclaim your time, your sanity, and your life.

And the good news? 

You don't have to do it alone!

In our 60-minute workshop, you'll gain access to actionable strategies to help you to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and regain control over your work and your life —starting today.

Praise from Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

What You'll Gain Inside

Increased productivity, reduced stress, and enhanced well-being – all in one workshop!

Boost Productivity

Use neuroscience-backed techniques to accomplish more in less time.


Reduce Stress

Learn practical methods to manage and reduce stress effectively.


Better Health

Reduce burnout and improve your overall health and well-being.

Stronger Relationships

Reconnect with family and friends by reclaiming your time.


More Focus

Sharpen your focus and eliminate distractions for better performance.


Greater Fulfillment

Enjoy a more fulfilling life both personally and professionally.

Who Is This For?

Here's A Few Secrets You'll Discover In The Workshop:

  • Secret #1: How to double your reading speed and absorb information faster than ever before.
  • Secret #2: Uncover the benefits of listening to podcasts at 2x speed and maximize your learning potential.
  • Secret #3: Learn how to trust your team, delegate with confidence, and finally let go of the reins without fear of things falling apart.
  • Secret #4: Break free from the shackles of information overload and regain control of your attention span.
  • Secret #5: How to set boundaries and protect your personal time (the right way).
  • Secret #6: Learn how to combat Information Fatigue Syndrome and regain control of your focus and energy.
  • Secret #7: Unlock the secrets of deep work and tap into your peak productivity zones like never before.
  • Secret #8: Understand the effects of dopamine and cortisol on your productivity and how your self-awareness can affect your performance.
  • Secret #9: Learn techniques world-class musicians use to get more work done (and how you can customize them to your needs). 
  • Secret #10: Easily increase your productivity with 5-minute exercises.


Q: Who is this for?

Q: What do I get?


  • You’re a high-achieving CEO, entrepreneur, or executive making $1 million+ per year.
  • You feel overwhelmed by endless responsibilities and constant stress.
  • Your work-life balance is non-existent, and your health is suffering.
  • You’re desperate to regain control and find a sustainable path to success.


  • You’re looking for quick fixes without committing to change.
  • You're not open to empowering your team and delegating tasks.
  • You’re satisfied with your current work-life balance and don't feel the need to improve your productivity or reduce stress.
  • You’re uninterested in neuroscience-based methods.

Here's A Few Secrets You'll Discover In The Workshop:

  • How to double your reading speed and absorb information faster than ever before (so that you don’t have to spend countless nights trying to get the info you need to be successful).
  • Never fear looking at a 3-hour podcast or Ted talk wondering if you’ll be able to finish it.
  • Learn how to trust your team, delegate with confidence, and finally let go of the reins without fear of things falling apart.
  • Break free from the shackles of information overload and regain control of your attention span.
  • How to say "no" without hurting feelings - so you can set boundaries and protect your personal time (the right way).
  • Learn how to combat "Information Fatigue Syndrome" and regain control of your focus and energy.
  • Unlock the secrets of deep work and tap into your peak productivity zones like never before.
  • Understand the effects of dopamine and cortisol on your productivity and how your self-awareness can affect your performance.
  • Learn techniques world-class musicians use to get more work done (and how you can customize them to your needs). 
  • Easily increase your productivity with 5-minute exercises.
  • And much, MUCH more...

Here's What You'll Get

Increased productivity, reduced stress, and enhanced well-being – all in one workshop!

60-Minute Workshop Session

Use neuroscience-backed techniques to accomplish more in less time.


Interactive Q&A

Get personalized answers to your burning questions during the live session.


Exclusive Productivity Tools

Access templates, checklists, and tools designed to help you implement the strategies immediately.


Recorded Replay

Can't make the live session? No problem! You'll receive a recording to watch at your convenience.


Bonus Resources

Additional materials to support your journey to effortless excellence, including e-books and guides.


Lifetime Access to Workshop Content

Revisit the workshop and materials anytime to reinforce your learning and continue improving your productivity and work-life balance.


Just imagine...

In 3 months:

  • You wake up each morning feeling energized and excited for the day ahead.
  • You have a clear plan, your priorities are in order, and you tackle your tasks with ease. 
  • You’re home in time for dinner, fully present with your family.
  • You feel more in control and less stressed.

In 6 months:

  • Your business is thriving, driven by a capable team you trust.
  • You’ve established a work-life balance that allows you to pursue personal passions and enjoy quality time with loved ones.
  • Stress is no longer a constant companion.

In 12 months:

  • You’ve achieved a sustainable, productive lifestyle that supports both your professional success and personal happiness.
  • You feel healthier, more fulfilled, and confident in your ability to manage any challenges that come your way. 
  • Your relationships are stronger, and you have a renewed sense of purpose.

But if you DON'T take action...

  • The cycle of stress and overwhelm will continue.
  • Your health may deteriorate further.
  • Your relationships may suffer, and you’ll remain trapped in a relentless grind. 
Don't let this opportunity slip away.


The "Work Less, Achieve More" In 60 Minutes Workshop!

  • Where: Video file
  • ​Length: 60 mins
  • ​Cost: $74.99

You get the workshop recording and resources!

NormalLY: $297

Today: $74.99


  • Module 1: The Principles ($97 Value)
  • Module 2: Setting Up Your First List From Scratch ($197 Value)
  • Module 3: Getting Your First Subscribers ($197 Value)
  • Module 4: Monetizing Your List ($197 Value)
  • Module 5: Email Copywriting Crash Course ($397 Value)
  • Module 6: Campaigns ($297 Value)
  • Module 7: Automations / Sequences ($297 Value)
  • Module 8: Tags ($197 Value)
  • Module 9: Segmentation ($197 Value)
  • Module 10: Optimizing Your Email Marketing System ($297 Value)

Total Value: $2,370

Normal Price: $297


Our Guarantee

For the cost of a fancy dinner, you’ll gain access to strategies that will:
  • Reduce your stress
  • ​Save you countless hours
  • ​Enhance your quality of life
We guarantee that you'll walk away with at least one strategy that will make a significant difference in your productivity or well-being. 

Are You Ready?

Imagine if you could:
  • Wake up each morning feeling energized and excited for the day ahead.
  • Have a clear plan, your priorities are in order, and you tackle your tasks with ease. 
  • By evening, you’re home in time for dinner, fully present with your family
  • Weekends are no longer for catching up on work, but for pursuing your passions and making memories with loved ones.
Those scenarios have all been possible for me in these past few years.

It's like living life on incredible cheat codes.

The best part?

You don’t have to figure this out for yourself. 

You don’t have to learn by trial-and-error. 

At this point, you have 2 options...

OPTION 1: do nothing

Stay stuck where you are. Try your hand at free YouTube courses but fumble with the conflicting info. Keep hoping you can actually commit.


Get my personal help unlocking unmatched productivity. Achieve true work-life balance. Reduce stress and burnout. Enhance your focus and clarity. 

I know which option I’d choose...

To your success,

Gerald Leonard
Founder, Turnberry Premiere
P.S. In case you're one of those people who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm giving you an entire 60-minute workshop that outlines secret strategies to unlock greater productivity...

What I teach in this course are tactics and strategies that I've charged multiple 6-figures for.

All you pay is $74.99.
If this message is still here, it means this offer is still live.

Your Workshop Host

Meet Gerald Leonard

I beat vertigo and grew my company to $5 million in revenue.

I'm the CEO of Turnberry Premiere (a consulting firm), TedX speaker, and a PMP, PfMP, and C-IQ Coach with 25+ years of experience working with clients like Verizon, Geico, and Medicare.

I've earned certifications from Harvard Business School, Wharton, Cornell, UC Berkeley, and have been mentored by industry leaders like Jack Canfield and Les Brown.

Now, I'm on a mission to help you work smarter, get unstuck, and find more fulfillment in your career.


Are You Ready To Get Started Doing This Amazing Thing?


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will it really take until I experience results?

Many participants start noticing positive changes within the first few days of applying the strategies from the workshop. 

However, the full benefits, such as improved work-life balance and significant reductions in stress, typically become more apparent within a few weeks of consistent practice.

Q: What if I don’t have time to attend live sessions?

No worries! All sessions are recorded and made available for you to watch at your convenience. 

You can revisit the material as many times as you need to fully absorb the content and apply it at your own pace.

Q: What if I’m not satisfied with the workshop?

We guarantee that you’ll find at least one strategy in this workshop that will have a huge impact on your business and personal life. If you don’t feel this workshop provides value, contact us, and we will work with you to ensure your needs are met.

Q: I’m already overwhelmed with work. How will this help me?

The goal of this workshop is to reduce your stress, not add to it. 

The techniques taught are designed to be integrated smoothly into your existing routine, helping you manage your workload more effectively and create a more balanced life.

Q: Do I need any special equipment or software to participate in the workshop?

This workshop will take place live on Zoom.  All you need is a computer or mobile device with internet access to participate in the live sessions and access the workshop materials.

Q: Will the strategies taught in this workshop work for my specific industry?

Yes, the strategies in this workshop are based on neuroscience principles that are universally applicable across various industries.

Whether you’re in tech, finance, healthcare, or any other field, you’ll find the techniques relevant and beneficial.

The "Work Less, Achieve More" In 60 Minutes Workshop

  • When: June 12 at 12PM CST
  • Where: Zoom
  • ​Length: 60 mins
  • ​Cost: $74.99

Can’t make it live?

You’ll still get the workshop recording and resources!

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